Everything loses meaning when faced with death. It seems obvious, but the only thing that truly matters is being alive and having your health. Today, people will die. Some know they have three months left. Do you think they’re worrying about money, sex, or the trivial problems that consume us daily? When death is near, everything else fades away.
We live trapped in a system that forces us to work so we can spend, only to work again. We stress about losing our jobs, not having enough money, or what others think. But if you knew your time was running out, none of that would matter. We are taught to value the wrong things, to fear what isn’t worth fearing, and to waste our lives in a race that leads nowhere.
Do what truly matters, do it for yourself. Don’t postpone what you want, and don’t waste time on what doesn’t add value. Ask yourself: What are you afraid of today if, in the end, you’re going to die?