We spend our lives chasing ideas that aren’t really ours. We grow up believing stories that movies and society repeat over and over. They tell us what success looks like, what love should be, what we need to be happy.…
There will come a moment when the discomfort you feel today will surpass the fear that holds you back. On that day, you won’t care what others think, whether it’s your boss, your family, or anyone else trying to make…
Everything loses meaning when faced with death. It seems obvious, but the only thing that truly matters is being alive and having your health. Today, people will die. Some know they have three months left. Do you think they’re worrying…
Young people face real struggles, yet many adults dismiss them with phrases like “You’re young, you’ll figure it out.” There’s an assumption that time will heal everything, as if youth itself protects against suffering. In reality, this indifference often leaves…
Today, we find ourselves trapped in a modern version of the myth of Sisyphus. Every day, we face jobs that seem meaningless, repeating tasks endlessly, dealing with never-ending emails and empty meetings. The difference is that instead of pushing a…
Most underdeveloped countries fail to grasp that true progress happens only when all citizens earn enough to cover their basic needs with dignity. Economic growth measured in numbers means little if people still struggle to afford food, healthcare, housing, and…
The short answer: just the circumstances. Both operate from the same foundation, control and lack of empathy. The difference is scale. Give a tyrannical manager a country, and they’ll run it like a dictator. In the workplace, power is exercised…