You can’t stay stuck on what you didn’t achieve. Holding on to it only blocks everything new that could come your way. Accepting that something didn’t work out isn’t giving up, it’s making room for what’s next. Recognizing a loss…
Sometimes we admire someone and believe they are special because of what we see in them. But what if those qualities aren’t theirs, but ours? What if we’re simply projecting onto them what already exists within us, but we haven’t…
True tranquility comes when we stop resisting what we cannot change. We spend our lives trying to control situations, people, and outcomes, but control is an illusion. Ataraxia is not indifference, it is clarity. It means understanding that peace doesn’t…
It’s crucial to distinguish between what we feel for someone and how that person makes us feel. Sometimes, we admire someone and believe that’s enough to sustain the relationship, but if that person treats us poorly or ignores us, what…
The day you realize you’re going to die, everything shifts. You lose things, but they don’t affect you the same way because you understand how small they are in the face of the inevitable. When you’ve lost everything because you’ve…
I didn’t know that you could become your own savior, that you don’t always have to wait for someone else to rescue you. Over time, I realized that I could create a safe space for myself, make my home a…
Everyone has fears. Everyone carries trauma, some have dealt with it, others still drag it along. But we live in a system so competitive that it drains us, pushing us to the point where we exploit ourselves. We ignore our…